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Helping Parents With
Young Adult Kids

Reclaim Your Family & Your Sanity.
Turn Conflict Into Connection.
Escape The Dependency Trap.

Your family may be avoiding each other, exploding at each other, and/or have a young adult who is not financially independent.

  • Strong feelings of worry, guilt, anger, anxiety, embarrassment

  • Fear that your child will not like you or stop talking to you

  • Fear that you and/or your spouse are not liking your child

  • Resentment on slow simmer ready to erupt at any time 

  • Nagging and criticizing or avoiding and ignoring

  • Unsure if you are being too soft or too hard on your child

  • Walking on eggshells trying to avoid another blow-up

You didn't think it would be like this.

"What happened to our family? How did we end up here?"


You don't have to stay where you are.
You can have a better story: a new way of living.


  • Successfully talk through issues instead of melting down or ignoring

  • Connecting and encouraging instead of avoiding and blaming

  • Everyone contributes to running of the household

  • Young adults are working and earning money

  • There is a plan in place progressing toward financial independence

  • Enjoying time and activities together

  • Mutual respect while honestly communicating 

Every family deserves to have this type of life. 

Your kids want this too.

"I went from losing my mind to keeping my cool. Still working at it, but better, way better."

Nikki W.


"Less emotional outbursts and meltdowns! We are saying AMEN to that one right there."

Angela D.

You and your family can have ...

  • Fewer and less intense battles

  • Know what to do after a blow-up to restore and strengthen the relationship

  • Parents on the same page, while maintaining their uniqueness

  • Modeling imperfect parenting and self-accountability for it all

  • Emotional connection - the best relationship glue

  • Kids with confidence, the capacity to do hard things, and strong relationship skills 

  • Problem-solving together for individual and family wins

  • Each person feels seen, heard, understood, and valued

  • Learning how to live with imperfect humans and stay in a loving relationship

  • Your kids gain a healthy relationship blueprint and tool kit for their future relationships​​​​​


After years of reacting to my triggers, I became a calm, effective, and connected parent. I will help you do this too.

I finally learned how to manage my anxiety and anger so I could respond strategically to my kids. I learned to control myself instead of controlling others. I learned how to genuinely connect with my kids. Schools don't teach this to you. But, I will. Because I get it. I know how it feels to be an educated and successful adult out in the world, but frustrated with parenting (and marriage) struggles at home. It is one of the worst pains to experience. But after specific training, lots of experimenting in my own family, and developing new ways of seeing and doing, I solved those struggles. Pro-tip: Bringing my hard headed determination to "fix-it" and to "fix-them" wasn't the answer. Now my family is I help parents to change because that is the way forward. I help you see your blind spots, answer your questions, and teach you new skills and strategies. Let's get you up to speed ASAP with healthy and enjoyable family interactions.

You Can Start Now


Get The Connection Guide

Our love for our kids is not enough to translate into connection and helpful communication. Here are 6 Connection Essentials to help you.


Ask Me Your Questions

You are struggling in your family and need answers.

I am here to help.


ig: @linkrelationships


Enjoy Your Family

Challenges are part of family life. And it's the best feeling when we

have the skills to be effective. Everyone wins.


The Changes You Make Now Affect Generations To Come

What is easier to minimize or excuse right now than it is to change it?

Where there is discord, resentment, and people avoiding each other, something is lurking underneath the surface. Maybe it is in your parenting, maybe it is in your marriage or co-parenting. 

In years ahead, your kids will be the adults with their own families, their kids will be the ones talking back and throwing tantrums.


How will they be calm, confident, curious, and compassionate with themselves and with each other as they problem-solve together? 

Will they have the relationship and emotional management skills to succeed in their careers, friendships, marriages, and parenting?

They can. You have the opportunity to teach them.


When you learn to be calm, confident, curious, and compassionate with them, with yourself, and with your spouse and other adult relationships, then you have the opportunity to lead them to become this type of person.​

Image by Tengyart

Kristen N.

"I was frustrated and unsure of what to do in some of my personal and work relationships. As we worked through the issues, I discovered new things about myself. Some of it I didn't want to look at. But it helped me. I came away with new insights and, honestly, felt a sense of relief because I know how I will handle myself differently the next time."
Image by Belinda Fewings

Gwen V.

"I came for help with my kids when I didn't have much hope left. I feared that no matter what I did, nothing would make a difference.

Now, I take ownership of my own thoughts and feelings. I take ownership of my responses and reactions. And this coaching has even helped my marriage improve. My family is so much happier."

Image by Nick Fewings

Diane S.

"Our family was stuck in a painful cycle for years. I needed someone to truly listen and ask thought-provoking questions. Jonie did that. I was able to see and understand things in a whole new light. I understood what I needed to do differently and it worked. It changed my family. Jonie was a fabulous coach to work with. With her help, I broke out of that cycle. I am so grateful." 

It's easy to get started.

If you are struggling with your family, you can email me your specific question or situation - jonie at
I will personally respond within 24 hours.

Or you can schedule a Zoom call if you prefer face-to-face.

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